
An artificial insemination service will be established in the obstetrics and gynecology department of Gyumri Medical Center

An artificial insemination service will be established in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the Gyumri Medical Center within the framework of the state program to overcome infertility.

Deputy Minister of Health Artak Jumayan and Executive Director of "Gyumru Medical Center" CJSC Armen Isahakyan discussed the strategy of establishing an artificial insemination service in 2023 in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the Medical Center of Gyumri.

It should be noted that on December 13, the RA Prime Minister instructed to develop proposals to expand the state program to overcome infertility by 100 percent.
The obstetrics and gynecology department of Gyumri Medical Center is the first one outside the capital where in vitro fertilization will be performed. The service will be available to Shirak and the beneficiaries of the Lori and Aragatsotn regions.

In vitro fertilization will be carried out with state funding.

By the decision of the Government of RA, "Gyumri Maternity Hospital" CJSC merged with Gyumri Medical Center and operated as an obstetrics and gynecology department. After the unification, the executive director of the Gyumri Medical Center developed and implemented a development plan. As a result, the number of births and paid services in the department increased several times, and gynecological operations that had never been done before were performed in Gyumri.

Due to its invested funds and cooperation with international partners, Gyumri Medical Center has equipped the obstetrics and gynecology department with several necessary new pieces of equipment.

Limited professional courses are regularly organized for the medical staff. There is a motherhood school that provides utterly free counseling to women who are preparing to become mothers.
As a result of cooperation with the National Institute of Health, a branch of the Chair of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproduction of the National Institute of Health was opened in the department.