
RA HRD met with the ambassador on special assignments of the State Department

RA HRD Kristinne Grigoryan discussed the achievements and challenges of Armenia's fight against trafficking in recent years with representatives of the US State Department's Anti-Trafficking and Monitoring Office. Grigoryan presented to the interlocutors the mandate of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia and shared the institution's conclusions regarding the prevention of trafficking, protection of victims, and effective prosecution. In particular, the Defender emphasized specific actions to be taken in proactive detection and effective investigation of trafficking cases, which can change the situation.

The interlocutors emphasized monitoring the Defender's institution as an independent body regarding the policies implemented in the field and presenting concrete recommendations to the National Assembly and other policymakers with an annual report. At the same time, an agreement was reached with the representatives of the Anti-Trafficking and Monitoring Office to implement more active cooperation in the specified priority directions.

At the State Department's International Office of Religious Freedom, Kristine Grigoryan met with Rashad Hossein, ambassador, on the particular assignment of the State Department. At the meeting, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia presented the mandate and guarantees of the Defender's institution, as well as the situation related to the realization of religious freedoms and the directions of the institution's work.

Defender Kristine Grigoryan expressed concern about the disturbing practices regarding religious freedoms, especially in international armed conflicts, citing the facts collected by the institution during and after the 44-day war of 2020 and Azerbaijan's attack on Armenia in 2022. Kristine Grigoryan also spoke about the current situation at the domestic level, presenting the nature of the work aimed at ensuring these freedoms by the Ombudsman's institution.

Ambassador Hussain emphasized that it is essential that, as an independent institution, the Defender of Human Rights addresses the issues of securing religious freedoms within the framework of individual applications and following problematic trials by submitting applications to the Constitutional Court. At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to be in closer contact regarding sensitive human rights issues.