
From 2024, pensions and benefits will have the same non-cash payment procedure

Presenting the proposed regulations in paying family benefits, RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Davit Khachatryan said that from February 1, 2023, in communities with 1,000 or more inhabitants, the newly appointed benefits will be paid in cash, and in the case of communities with up to 1,000 inhabitants, from July 1, 2023. 

In the case of already approved and designated paid family allowances, the start of mandatory cashless transition in cities and communities with more than 1,000 inhabitants will be given from July 1, and in the case of those with up to 1,000 inhabitants, from January 1, 2024. From January 1, 2024, pensions and benefits will have the same non-cash payment schedule procedure.

The following changes concern the payment of pensions. With the current regulations, there are two options for non-cash payment: payment is made by banks and through Haypost's electronic money account, which was mainly cashed out by beneficiaries. From February 1, 2023, it will no longer be possible to withdraw cash through an electronic money account opened based on social history, so it is recommended to transfer the transactions of Haypost electronic money accounts to banks after February 1, 2023, that is, the payment will be made through a bank card.

In response to the clarifying question of the chairman of the commission Heriknaz Tigranyan, the deputy minister clarified that all applications and benefits scheduled until February 1, 2023, will be given in cash or cash according to the beneficiary's wishes, but after that in settlements with more than 1,000 inhabitants, including: in cities, the process will be carried out in a mandatory cashless way, and residents of communities with up to 1,000 inhabitants will have the opportunity to vote voluntarily until July 1.

At the special session of the National Labor and Social Affairs Standing Committee on December 5, the amendments and additions to the Laws "On State Benefits" and "On State Pensions" were discussed in the second reading. I would like to remind you that the discussion of the package of projects was interrupted in the December 2 session to adjust some issues.

The committee approved the legislative package.