In the Fifth Garrison Investigation Department of the Military Investigative General Department of the RA Investigative Committee, criminal proceedings were initiated by Article 44-155, Part 2, Clauses 1 and 15 of the RA Criminal Code, regarding the case of a gunshot wound to a contract serviceman of the RA Ministry of Defense by the Azerbaijani armed forces. :
According to preliminary information, on November 23, 2022, at around 1:20 p.m., a soldier of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, motivated by racial, national, ethnic origin, religion, hatred, intolerance, or hostility, to deprive his life unlawfully, fired a shot at the RA Ministry of Defense N in the direction of the combat position in the security area of the military unit, as a result of which contract soldier R. A. received a gunshot wound in the lower third of the left leg.
An investigation is underway.