
"The war, the unrest at the border, many problems are all ours." Alain Simonyan

RA NA Speaker Alen Simonyan gave a speech at the World Pan-Armenian Summit.

"I welcome and congratulate all of us for meeting again in this format in the motherland after a break of 5 years. By its sounding name, the World Pan-Armenian Summit should be able to unite and gather in one place the Armenian thought, strength, and unity scattered all over the world. This platform is an excellent opportunity to get to know each other, create new bridges, and renew existing ties, which should be used to the fullest extent. Here are gathered people who, following their own family's example, keep their Armenianness in foreign countries and speak Armenian with their children and grandchildren.

Perhaps there is no person here who does not have a painting, a souvenir, or other similar proof of his Armenian identity in the most visible corner of his house. A great longing for the motherland is awakened, especially in foreignness, and from afar, it seems not only sweet but also blissful.

Such meetings are more binding in these complex and challenging days for the motherland. The war that plagued us, the anxiety on the border, the daily fears of Artsakh Armenians, and the many unresolved problems are all of us. In this case, citizenship should be put aside, and priority should be given to nationality so that it is possible to overcome trials, which I will call evil in one word, with joint forces.

Dear brothers and sisters, parallel to this dynamic approach, it is often depicted in deliberately condensed colors for those living outside the homeland, especially when there is no shortage of misrepresentations of phenomena in the information age.

In my position, I often communicate with our compatriots representing the Diaspora. Their fears and questions mainly revolve around the inherent intolerance in our country, security issues, and the delay of final peace. Unfortunately, our meetings document that as much as the Internet shortens and trivializes the distance between the homeland and the Diaspora, it can also harm it with great fake news. In any case, I can assure you that the Diaspora keeps its sober mind and makes correct judgments.

I thank the spiritual fathers in all corners of the world, pedagogues of Armenian educational centers, and philanthropists who can make children love the homeland they have not seen yet; I thank all those compassionate Armenians who are present without hesitation in every episode disturbing the motherland. I wish everyone a productive work."