
Care allowance for a child up to 2 years old will be assigned to non-working mothers living in rural and urban areas

In its second reading, the RA National Assembly fully adopted the draft law presented by the government, which provides an opportunity to assign childcare benefits to non-working mothers living in rural areas and urban ones.

According to the project, the amount of the care allowance is determined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

- to the parent on care leave with a percentage related to the amount of the minimum salary established by the law on minimum monthly wage, and to the parent who is not on care leave, to an amount not exceeding 85 percent of the amount set for the parent on care leave,

- a rural parent on care leave will be paid a care allowance in the sum of the amounts set for parents on care leave and absent.

Thus, parents of children born on or after January 1, 2023, will be assigned a care allowance, regardless of the address of the residence. In other words, in contrast to the current regulations, care allowance will also be given to urban non-working mothers.