RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan referred to the project proposed by the Government, according to which foreigners who have invested 150 thousand dollars in the economy of Armenia can get RA citizenship.
According to the minister, the government wants to solve several issues at once with this project. "One of them is the issue of immigration. In this way, we can make certain categories of citizens of the Republic of Armenia who can play a major role in the economy of the Republic of Armenia. However, it refers not only to the representatives of the economy but also to those representatives of culture, science, and other fields who, becoming citizens of the Republic of Armenia, can contribute to the significant development of these branches in Armenia... Naturally, after some adjustments, the project will be made more compact before adoption."
To the question that there is no fear that the citizens of Turkey or Azerbaijan may make these investments, the minister answered: "The necessary procedures will be carried out both by the police and the National Security Service. I think the concerns you mentioned will be completely neutralized at that level."