Pupils studying in public schools of border communities of RA are provided full reimbursement of textbooks from the state budget. The textbook rental reimbursement program is implemented by the requirements of RA Government Decision N 1444-N.
According to that, students studying in 5-12th grades of public schools in 82 settlements of 23 border communities of RA receive textbook rent support. Considering that in all schools of the Republic of Armenia, students of grades 1-4 receive textbooks for free, in border communities, the state support program is implemented for students of grades 5-12. Migrant students living in the mentioned border communities also benefit from the support.
In addition, students from families registered in the system of family insecurity in all schools of RA or included in social assistance programs implemented by the state also receive compensation for textbook investment amounts, which is implemented with the funds of the RA state budget within the framework of the program "Reimbursement of textbook rents for children of socially disadvantaged families." The list of students from socially disadvantaged families of this institution is drawn up at the joint session of the pedagogical and parental councils and approved by the director.
It should also be noted that every year until August 20, the Ministry of Education and Culture approves the annual amount of investment money for the use of textbooks by parents (legal representatives) of students. A single monetary investment can be set for students of a given class, including books of the same subject published by more than one publishing house.
Within one week after the end of academic sessions of each year, students return all textbooks assigned to them, except for students with exams and re-examinations, who hand in books before the end of the given academic year. Textbooks for grades 5-12 have a minimum shelf life of 5 years. The texts included in the list of books kept in the library, guaranteed and in use, are allocated to the students of the respective classes for the next school year. A copy of the order of the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the amount of the investment amount for textbooks guaranteed to be used in a given academic year is posted in a place visible to all educational institutions.