
HRD has published an extraordinary report on the consequences of the Azerbaijani armed attack

The RA Human Rights Defender published the updated version of the emergency report on the consequences of the Azerbaijani armed attack on the Republic of Armenia. A special closed report was also prepared.

In her public report, the defender summarized and analyzed the war crimes committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces and presented the results of large-scale fact-finding work.

She referred to the footage of physical violence, humiliating treatment, insult, and mockery of Armenian service members, as well as inhumane treatment and torture of the bodies of the fallen service members, which were highly encouraged and praised by thousands of Azerbaijani users.

Other facts characteristic of the policy of ethnic Armenian hatred by Azerbaijan were also presented.

The defender paid particular attention to the videos documenting the inhumane treatment of the bodies of female service members, which were actively shared on Azerbaijani social websites and various platforms. The RA Human Rights Defender recorded that the study of the videos allows to state that the violence against women and the torture of their bodies was done not only with the motive of national but also gender hatred.

The defender emphasized in the report that the posts "the best Armenian is a dead Armenian" and "the best Armenian woman is a dead Armenian woman" accompanying the publications of the bodies/body parts of the dead service members were frequent.

Calls of hatred and violence were voiced both by users of social networks and by public and political figures and officials. The report also shows that the speech of hate is preached and re-imposed from schools to the addresses of government officials. Specific examples are analyzed.

The defender's fact-finding work and the results of media monitoring show that Azerbaijani officials and public figures use the phrase "Armenian fascism" in their speeches about the actions of the RA authorities, armed forces, and even civilians. The idea that ​​the Republic of Armenia is a "fascist state" has been repeatedly expressed by the President of Azerbaijan. It is based on the latter's assertion that the current territory of Armenia is built on "historical Azerbaijani lands."

The report also presents confirming facts regarding the intimidation of the population of the border settlements of the Republic of Armenia recorded by the fact-finding mission of the Defender in July-August 2022. It was established that the acts of intimidation and harming of the civilian population by the Azerbaijani service members, as actions motivated by ethnic hatred and coordinated by the command, were aimed at preparing the foundations for the September aggression, as they mainly targeted the communities that were attacked in September.

The following chapters of the public report deal with humanitarian issues, the most vulnerable people displaced and not evacuated from active military zones, killed and injured civilians, and damage to vital infrastructure, the environment, as well as tourism, and the economy.
The extrajudicial killings of Armenian prisoners of war, torture, inhumane and degrading treatment of service members, and the suffering of the dead service members are analyzed in the second non-public report. They will be presented to competent international organizations and actors in due order.