Radar Armenia's interlocutor is lawyer Ara Ghazaryan, a specialist in international law.
- New applications against Azerbaijan regarding the shooting of Armenian service members should be submitted to the European and UN International Courts of Justice. What procedure will be used in this matter, and in what terms can we expect a legal act?
- In all cases, legal processes last at least 5-6, at most 10-15 years. One can expect an urgent response from the court, but the final solution will take years. The ECHR and the Hague Court will respond immediately, but it will be within the framework of the usual procedure. This new proof is quite strong and qualitatively evidence of the result of another dimension.
- What mechanisms will work against Azerbaijan when the courts make a verdict based on war crimes?
- It is difficult to say whether all this will lead to political responsibility. But it will lead to legal obligations.
- What does legal responsibility mean?
- A judicial act will lead to recognition of the fact of violation, provision of compensation, and obligation to carry out criminal prosecution. From here, we can put the mechanisms of universal jurisdiction into action so that these persons and their commanders are held accountable on various international platforms. In other words, different states should undertake the obligation to bring them to justice.
- EU special representative Toivo Klaar stated that he also received facts about the atrocities of the Armenian side against the Azerbaijanis. Is it possible for Azerbaijan to file such claims against Armenia?
-Azerbaijan filed lawsuits against RA both at the International Court and the Hague Court. How eloquent they are is another question. For example, do the Azerbaijanis have evidence of the crime in the video or not?
- Is there any evidence in that video that is compatible with the crime?
- Yes, equally powerful because Azerbaijanis usually work to create a mirror state. It is their handwriting. But, for example, against six judgments of Armenia against Azerbaijan in the European Court, Azerbaijan has only one judgment against Armenia. And those six judgments are different factual circumstances and contexts, indicating that this is a state policy.
Hayk Magoyan