RA Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan referred to the awarding of the high state award to Dr. Roger Ohanesyan, microsurgeon.
"One of the best examples of cooperation aimed at protecting citizens' health...
"Armenian Ophthalmic Project" has been brilliantly fulfilling its mission in our country for 30 years. Roger Ohanesian, ophthalmologist, microsurgeon, and doctor of medicine, received a high state award for his complex and dedicated pro-Armenian work over the years.
Ohanesian's projects are practical examples of Armenia-Diaspora cooperation. Thanks to the long-term and stable partnership with the "Armenian Ophthalmological Project," the Ministry of Health, and medical centers, it has become possible to prevent acquired blindness in our country. Apart from this, several programs were implemented, thanks to which regional ophthalmology centers were reequipped, staff training was carried out, and most importantly, our specialists were allowed to improve through the exchange of experience constantly," wrote Anahit Avanesyan on her Facebook page.