On January 17, 1961, the 34th President of the USA, Dwight Eisenhower, delivered his farewell speech. The speech was distinguished in international politics not only by the fact of the departing president's farewell address but also by the warning issued at a high level by the president regarding the military-industrial complex that was created in the post-war period and is rapidly strengthening in the USA. Radar Armenia presents a part of Eisenhower's speech. The characteristic of the address was also that Eisenhower was one of the brilliant generals of the Second World War, he was perceived as an old soldier in the American political field, and his reservation regarding the military-industrial complex seemed at least unusual.
"The vital factor for guaranteeing peace is our military capability. Our weapons must be mighty, ready for instant action so that no potential aggressor is tempted to risk his existence.
Our military structure today is almost entirely different from the capabilities of any of my predecessors, including the World War II or Korean War eras.
Before the last world conflict, the United States had no arms industry. American plow makers could also make swords over time and according to demand. But now, we can no longer compromise our national defense and rely on improvisation in an emergency. We had to create a permanent arms industry of monumental proportions. Moreover, around 3.5 million people are now directly involved in the defense system. We spend more annually on military security than the net income of all corporations in the United States.
An extensive military-industrial system is a new experience for America. Its real influence in the economic, political, and even spiritual spheres is now felt in every city, in every house, and in every room of government. We recognize the dire need for such development. However, we should keep sight of its dire consequences too.
In government deliberations, we must be careful not to fall under the influence of the military-industrial complex willy-nilly. The potential to achieve such a catastrophic impact already exists and will continue to grow.
We must never allow our freedoms or democracy to be compromised. We must accept nothing without examination, for it is the alert and knowledgeable citizenry that can counter the influence of the vast defense industrial and military-technical complex through peaceful means and with the ultimate goal that security and liberty may prosper together.
This is my last good night to you as your President. Thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for my public service during war and peace. I am sure that you will find worthy things in that service, and other matters, you will increase the efficiency of the existing one."