Radar Interview

"We had a failure at the Brussels platform, because before that they refused to go to Sofia to negotiate in Artsakh;" Abrahamyan (VIDEO)

Gayane Abrahamyan, head of the non-governmental organization "For Equal Rights," is the guest of the "Radar Chat" program at the Radar Armenia booth. She referred to the prevailing and deepening humanitarian crisis in Artsakh, the failures of the negotiations in Brussels, the Stepanakert-Baku direct dialogue in this context, the announcements from Artsakh, the public, and the actions of Armenia and international actors regarding Artsakh.

Speaking about the latest statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Abrahamyan notes that Russia does not get Syunik and blames Armenia for that, "Russia did not get Syunik because the problem was internationalized." According to her, Azerbaijan is currently holding Artsakh hostage, and he compares what is happening today with Stalin's operations in Ukraine in the 1930s. "What Stalin did to Ukraine, Aliyev is doing the same in Artsakh. It is impossible that anyone from Artsakh can go to Gandzak or Baku to get treatment at this stage. Aliyev's main goal is the devaluation of international mechanisms."

Referring to the failures at the Brussels platform, Abrahamyan emphasizes, "We failed at the Brussels platform because before that Artsakh refused to go to Sofia to negotiate," she continues, "we are losing our weight and role in the negotiation process."

Details in the video