Radar Interview

"The international community says that Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijan;" Arusyak Julhakyan (VIDEO)

At the Radar Armenia booth, the guest of the "Radar Chat" program is MP Arusyak Julhakyan of the "Civil Agreement" faction of the National Assembly. He referred to the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, the possibility of signing a peace agreement by the end of the year, the calls for Stepanakert to hold direct negotiations with Baku along with recognizing Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan, the statements of former Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan and the signature collection organized by the "Hayakve" initiative.

According to the deputy, it isn't easy to negotiate peace when the other side does not seek it. Referring to Azerbaijan's demands that Armenia recognize Azerbaijan's territorial integrity with practical steps, not with statements, Julhakyan said that it is time for Azerbaijan to show with actions that it recognizes Armenia's 29.8 thousand km².

Speaking about the proposal that Vardan Oskanian, the former foreign minister of Armenia, can solve diplomatic issues in 2-3 months, Julhakyan said, "I hope Vardan Oskanyan makes such statements because of his age, not trying to deceive the public."

According to her, when Nagorno-Karabakh left the negotiation table, the issue of the right to self-determination was closed. According to the MP, Armenia has never said that it does not recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. "All the presidents have said that they recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The international community says that Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijan," says the deputy and adds that they said that in the previous thirty years, and they say it today as well.

Details in the video