The guest of the "Radar Chat" program at the Radar Armenia booth is Harutyun Marutyan, director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, and a doctor of historical sciences. He touched upon several issues related to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, spoke about the importance of the genocide factor in the identity of Armenians, getting rid of the genocide victim complex, and the mechanisms for achieving justice through legal means and Armenia-Diaspora work.
- Have Armenians gotten rid of the genocide victim complex?
- As a researcher, I also wrote about it. During the years of the Karabakh movement, the Armenians got rid of the victim complex, which helped the people succeed in the struggle for Artsakh.
- Did the complex victim return during the 2020 war?
- I don't think so. In the 90s, it came back a little differently, but now a silent struggle is going on. That is why I give another wording: dignified memory. When in the core of memory, mainly when talking about the genocide, there will be not only the victim, the loss, but also, next to the victim, the resister, and next to those two, the survivor. Why are we talking only about the victims? Let's talk about other realities that happened at that time.
Details in the video.