Azat Arshakyan, a former deputy of the Supreme Council, is the guest of the "Radar Chat" program at the Radar Armenia booth. He referred to the internal political life of Armenia and talked about the situation created in the Lachin Corridor and the influence of big players.
- In your opinion, will the visit of the US ambassador to Armenia to the beginning of the Lachin Corridor deter Azerbaijan?
- Azerbaijan reacted very quickly. They also say that we are your energy ally. With our energy, oil, gas, and products derived from it, you have a high standard of living. Hey, we'll close. Just as our ally announced and shut off Europe's oil, thinking that Paris and London would freeze, Berlin would undergo fan shutdowns; the Pope would freeze. They had such a program they closed, but it turned out not to be so. At the moment, Azerbaijan overestimates its role of itself and its resources.
Details in the video.