
"There is no movement of Azerbaijani troops on the border." Papikyan

Armenian Defense Minister Suren Papikyan has addressed Azerbaijani disinformation about alleged shootings on the border, noting that the Armenian side has offered to provide evidence and video footage. “We are ready to study and investigate. We have not received such responses to date,” Papikyan said.

In response to a question about the movement of Azerbaijani troops on the border, the minister answered negatively: “No, there is none.”

He also denied rumors about the movement of troops on the border and shooting at Armenian positions. “Currently, such a phenomenon is not visible on the ground. The disinformation spread in the press that there are accumulations and movements of troops is not confirmed by the Ministry of Defense.”

According to the minister, “The Ministry of Defense has constantly recorded all dangerous shootings and violations directed at our positions and personnel, and appropriate reports have been issued about this.”