
"Our politics is the only possible option that gives a chance to have a state." Prime Minister (VIDEO)

"If we formulate the question in terms of getting a chance to keep the state, I have to say that the policy that we conducted and are conducting is not right or wrong, but it was the only possible option and is the only possible option for us to have a state. Gives a chance," RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated during the discussion of the 2025 budget project.

He says a lot depends on how we will use that chance. "Two years later, I am standing on the chair of the RA Parliament as the RA Prime Minister. And in the medium term, our age-old and strategic problem has been solved."

"But we can't let our guard down for a second because, yes, the challenges we had 2 years ago, a lot of them have become significantly more manageable, but also, new challenges have emerged that need to be managed somewhat. , to overcome the formulas "nation-martyr" and "nation-army" and to stand more and more firmly as just a state, a direct state, whose only task is to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens in its territory. We need to stand firmly on those foundations."