
"The Republic of Armenia is ready to restart all the channels passing through its sovereign territory." Sanosyan

Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures of the Republic of Armenia Gnel Sanosyan was sent to Turkey on October 15-16. On October 15, the minister participated in the International Road Federation World Congress in Istanbul.

In his speech, Sanosyan stressed that in the current geopolitical conditions, the creation of new, reliable, and viable communication channels, as well as the restarting and safe operation of the previously functioning transport infrastructures, have gained primary importance for all countries of the world, because the presence of developed infrastructures and the territorial proportional development of all countries is one of the most critical factors for sustainable development and ensuring the well-being of people living in them.

"The complete unblocking of economic infrastructures between all the states of the region, the development of channels, and the increase of the level of interconnection are among the priorities of the government of the Republic of Armenia. Guided by the desire to establish lasting and stable peace in the South Caucasus, the Government of the Republic of Armenia developed the "Crossroads of Peace" project," Sanosyan emphasized.

According to the Minister, the Republic of Armenia is ready to restart all channels passing through its sovereign territory, create new ones, and ensure the safety of goods, vehicles, people, pipelines, and electric lines passing through Armenia without any discrimination.

"Our proposed "Crossroads of Peace" project implies that all the economic and transport infrastructures of the region should be unblocked and operate under the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the country, based on the principle of equality and reciprocity," the minister of TAI emphasized.