
Martyrs created a new opportunity for us. Nikol Pashinyan

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan published a video and wrote:

Only in the years following the 44-day war, did we fully and deeply discover what had happened around us since the first days of Independence.

Moreover, we still have to digest what has been revealed, understand it, and draw correct conclusions, which takes work. The pain and emotions are too great, and thus, the space for excellent judgment and analysis is too small.

For me, the conclusion is one. Our Martyrs opened a new opportunity for us to have a state. We started to lose that opportunity (unknowingly) almost immediately after gaining Independence, and after October 27, 1999, we lost it, it seems, irretrievably.

The martyrs created a new opportunity for us. Why, how is it not a subject of today's conversation? Today's topic of conversation is:

Glory to the martyrs, and long live the Republic of Armenia.

Long live the Republic of Armenia, the most eloquent glorification of the martyrs' sacrifice.