
The development of Armenian-Danish parliamentary cooperation was highlighted

The Chairman of the Standing Committee on European Integration of the National Assembly, Arman Yeghoyan, and Vice-Chancellor, Mary Galstyan, met with the delegation led by the Danish MP Sjúrður Skaale. Welcoming the guests, Arman Yeghoyan highlighted the development of Armenian-Danish parliamentary cooperation.

Speaking about the deepening cooperation between Armenia and the European Union, the commission's chairman valued the Danish experience. Reference was also made to the effective implementation of the RA-EU Comprehensive and Extended Partnership Agreement and the parliamentary control over it.

The members of the National Assembly have raised the issues of forcibly displaced Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh, which require a priority solution. They emphasize the support of international partners and organizations in their settlement. Vice-chairman of the commission, Meri Galstyan, drew the guests' attention to the issue of preserving the historical and cultural heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh.