
"Justice in the country remains the number 1 expectation among the people." Nikol Pashinyan

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the General Prosecutor's Office and participated in the solemn session of the collegium dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the establishment of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Armenia and the Day of the Prosecutor's Office.

The Prime Minister delivered a speech and congratulated the attendees on the occasion of the professional day."I think that justice for the people of the Republic of Armenia continues to be one of the most significant expectations, which, if we look at it from the point of view of public opinion and logic, we have not been able to address and realize it fully. In this regard, the prosecutor's office's role in forming a sense of fairness and justice in the country is, of course, difficult to overestimate. In general, I see this problem and put it before our state administration system, including those bodies that operate independently but within the limits of state logic and in the manner provided by the legislation and Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. We must not let this goal out of our sight for a minute because justice, as it was and continues to be, is the number one expectation of RA citizens. The prosecutor's office, investigative bodies, and the judicial system must have this goal daily. In front of our eyes," said Nikol Pashinyan.

The Prime Minister referred to the steps taken by the government in that direction and, in that context, emphasized the importance of raising the salaries of the employees of the prosecutor's office. The head of the government once again noted that this is done not only and not so much for the employees of the prosecutor's office but for the citizens."It is done primarily for the citizens because the citizen is the number 1 beneficiary of the services provided by the prosecutor's office, investigative bodies, and courts. We build our policy in this area on the following logic: justice in the country remains the number 1 expectation among the people, and there must be a standard of justice and fairness. To implement that standard, it is necessary to introduce new skills and professionalism corresponding to these political expectations, and workers should also have the opportunity to focus on their work. This is one side of the question but also a second one. For example, many people think about the point or formula by which the citizens of the Republic of Armenia will consider that justice and fairness are established in the country."

According to Nikol Pashinyan, to achieve this goal, law enforcement and judicial systems must be organically connected with the people."It is accepted that the judicial system is independent, and the prosecution system is independent, but we need to understand who it is independent from." It is independent of the government and other branches of the government. Still, the prosecution and judicial systems cannot be independent or sovereign, which is the RA citizen. Where does the feeling of lack of justice among the citizens come from? It comes from the fact that the prosecutorial, judicial, judicial system in Armenia was independent of the sovereign RA people, the will of the RA people, not in every case separately, but as a standard of justice and of the rule of law of justice, etc."

According to the Prime Minister, we have had the phenomenon that the logic of elitism works both in the judicial and state administration systems."What is elitism with this logic that people on a completely different level of life work in the government, prosecutor's office, and courts? I also mean perhaps the social but also the socio-psychological part. These have no connection with the people who live every day in Real Armenia real life, and this gap brings justice of a sense of tock or deficit of justice. And I am happy that the logic of this elitism is decreasing due to the processes taking place within our, including the government and prosecutor's office. And we see that today the prosecutor's office, investigative bodies, courts, perhaps a little slower, are bringing them closer to the people, and an organic link is being formed between the people and the prosecutor's system."

Touching upon the necessity of being organically connected with the people, Nikol Pashinyan noted."The question I have thought about for a long time is that we are constantly trying to implement reforms and changes in these areas. Why do people continue to believe this country has no justice? For one simple reason, justice systems are not organically connected to the people. It is about the standard of institutional justice. In many cases, for example, when you read legal and juridical texts, you understand that in principle, it is written in Armenian, but it does not express reality; in principle, it is written correctly, but it does not express reality, in principle, you cannot deny anything, but it does not express justice, fairness and the aspiration and dream of justice that RA has the people."

In that context, the Prime Minister emphasized the following thesis he voiced: the cornerstone of the security strategy of the Republic of Armenia is legitimacy."Every day, I am convinced of the importance and necessity of this thesis. I want to emphasize that this is also related to the standard of establishing justice and fairness in Armenia. One of the essential critical phenomena related to the prosecutor's activity and judicial system is jurisdiction and the judiciary, which are directly associated with sovereignty. When we reach a situation where we have a reality that does not cause deformations in this respect, that is an essential condition for justice and fairness in our country. I also want to say the following: Real Armenia is about the standard of justice because Real Armenia is about the accuracy of jurisdiction, sovereignty, and the accuracy of the area ​​rule of law. These are questions we face today due to various, including painful and unfortunate circumstances, but this also expresses our institutional problems. But we must address these issues at least today. It is critical, including for establishing justice in the country, with the logic that justice, I repeat, should not only be a political slogan, not only a legal act, but the average citizen should have the feeling that he lives in a country where there is justice, where there is justice, and we are going that way."

Referring to the creation of the institute of confiscating illegal property, the head of the government emphasized the importance of resisting and not paying tribute to emotions in 2018."Then and now, we had the political will to resist emotions instead of creating an institution. Today, we have already created an institution that no longer belongs to the people of Armenia, to the Republic of Armenia, and regardless of the governments, this institution must continue to function because it is a mechanism that has been launched in a fully legal and legal way, and this institution must also complement justice. The citizens' perception of the Republic of Armenia about the shortage".

Summarizing the speech, Nikol Pashinyan noted that in the process of reforms implemented in the sector, we should remember that these changes serve the Republic of Armenia and the sovereign of the Republic of Armenia, that is, the citizens of Armenia. The Prime Minister thanked those present for working with that will, vision, and dedication.

On the occasion of the Prosecution Worker's Day, the Prosecutor of Yerevan, Rafael Manukyan, and the Secretary General of the RA Prosecutor's Office, Mher Aprikyan, were awarded a commemorative medal of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, for their contribution to the strengthening of the legal system and impeccable work. On the occasion of the Prosecutor's Day, a group of representatives of the system were awarded a letter of thanks from the Prime Minister for their contribution to strengthening the rule of law and legality.