
"This is the future, which is concrete." Prime Minister (VIDEO)

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has stated that the real Armenia is 29,743 km2, and those who do not answer that question are the bearers of the concept of historical Armenia.

"If they say that the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia is not 29,743 km2, our oppositionists, in their opinion, open the way to say that the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia is, say, 300,000 km2, but they do not understand, and if they understand, even worse, that the same, they open the way for others to say that the sovereign territory of RA is 23 km2".

According to him, when state property does not have a specific territory, it cannot be identified and falls into the "field of non-statehood. "When they say that we are moving expectations, it leads directly to statelessness, independence, tycoondom, and statelessness." According to him, the oppositionists want to dream about Kars while sitting in cafes in Yerevan, losing Yerevan; while sitting in Kapan, they want to dream about Zangelan, losing real Armenia and real Kapan.

"When we say that there is a future, that future is concrete, we know its limits with millimeter precision, and we ensure security, not by falling under his feet from morning to night, or: come, ensure our security, but we ensure standing on a legitimate position," he said, showing the 1976 map of the Armed Forces of the USSR.