
The EU will provide 15 million euros to Armenia

Within the framework of RA-EU bilateral cooperation, the signing of the "State and Resilience Strengthening Agreement for the Republic of Armenia" budget support financing agreement is planned, the purpose of which is to support Armenia's social and economic resilience, in particular, to help the Government solve the short-term and medium-term problems of refugees, as well as their long-term ones. in the policy of enabling socio-economic integration, also promoting the implementation of the EU Economic and Investment Program in Armenia.

The program, which has a total cost of 15 million euros, is financed from the EU budget within the framework of the Instrument of Neighbourhood, Development, and International Cooperation. Co-financing from the Armenian side is not planned.

Within the program's framework, it is planned to overcome socio-economic difficulties, paying special attention to supporting refugees with priority needs (including food). The assistance will be aimed at helping the Government implement programs to meet the urgent needs of refugees, in particular by providing one-off multi-purpose cash assistance. Actions will be aimed at providing urgent assistance to the basic needs of refugees, including food security.

Ensuring medium-term socio-economic stability, including covering the electricity costs of refugees and providing them with housing. Under this objective, the Government will receive assistance from government assistance programs to cover temporary accommodation needs and utility (mainly electricity) costs. The mentioned actions will aim to support the refugees in settling in the places of their choice, and they will be provided with six months of social support to enter the labor market and carry out economic activities.

Long-term socio-economic integration of refugees, paying particular attention to women and vulnerable groups, ensuring their inclusion in educational, social, and child protection and health systems, integration into the labor market, and socio-economic rehabilitation of host communities. Under the objective, support will be directed to ensuring the inclusion of refugees, including the most vulnerable groups (older people, children left without parental care, persons with disabilities, victims of domestic violence, and other groups) in the public service sectors (education, health care, and social assistance). Actions will also support refugees' training and acquisition of new skills by expanding existing employment programs to ensure their integration into the labor market and complete social protection programs. Overall, addressing the longer-term needs of NK refugees, particularly those related to labor market integration and sustainable housing solutions, will require a substantial analytical effort to develop evidence-based and effective policies, programs, and investments to strengthen public service delivery mechanisms. Therefore, activities under the objective may include, among others, technical assistance, analysis and feasibility studies, support for policy development, as well as capacity-building activities, and the implementation of systemic reforms in relevant policy areas. Support measures may also include support for awareness and information intervention activities.

At the same time, the project of a new financing agreement supplementing the agreement with another 15 million euros of budgetary support is currently being negotiated with the European side, which, according to preliminary information received by the European side, will be approved in the last quarter of this year.

The Agreement does not create financial obligations for the Republic of Armenia. It does not derive directly from the sectoral strategic documents.

To note: "The issue of approving the proposal to sign the financing agreement "State and Resilience Strengthening Agreement for the Republic of Armenia" between the Republic of Armenia and the European Commission is included in the package of non-reportable issues of the government session.