
The Rome Statute will be presented on the agenda of the NA session. The committee approved it

The project to ratify the Rome Statute was unanimously approved at the NA State Legal Committee session. It will be included in the agenda of the plenary session of the National Assembly, which will start next week.

While presenting the project, Yeghishe Kirakosyan, RA representative for international legal affairs, emphasized that the real reason for ratifying the statute of the International Criminal Court is to have an additional international legal mechanism to hold Azerbaijan accountable. According to him, joining the law will also have a preventive effect.

If ratified by the National Assembly, the Rome Statute will enter into force within 60 days: "The Rome Statute has regulations on entry into force. The statute provides provisions for the procedure by which it comes into force. The law provides for 60 days to take effect after the notification of the end of the domestic procedures is sent to the Court. It is an accepted practice in the case of international agreements."

The representatives of the two NA opposition factions did not participate in the commission session.