Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received the delegation led by Samantha Power, the head of USAID, which included Yuri Kim, the US acting assistant secretary of state. The Prime Minister welcomed Mrs. Power's visit to our country at this difficult time.
You are aware of the general situation, as we had the opportunity to discuss this situation with the members of the US House of Representatives; two days ago, I had a telephone conversation with Secretary of State Blinken. Our partners are in contact, and we must have this opportunity to discuss all the details of the current situation in our region.
You are aware that, unfortunately, the ethnic cleansing of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh continues. It is happening right now, and it is a very tragic fact. We tried to inform the international community that this ethnic cleansing would happen, but, unfortunately, we failed to prevent it. But this situation and tensions in our region continue to grow, and now it is essential to take concrete steps to avoid further escalation and even more significant problems. I am very happy for this opportunity and welcome you to our country," said Nikol Pashinyan.
Samantha Power thanked the Prime Minister for the warm welcome shown to the delegation she led. "I know how busy you are, considering the given situation. President Biden sent me and my delegation here to emphasize the deep commitment of the United States to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and democracy of Armenia. I know that USAID works with the Armenian people, and the Armenian government has never shown indecision, which is very important.
We have arrived in Armenia, and I hope I will have the opportunity to come again to discuss our steps aimed at strengthening your deepening democracy. Still, during this visit, we are focused on the specific crisis, the humanitarian needs of the people of Nagorno Karabakh, and the humanitarian needs of those who fled from Nagorno Karabakh. About 5,000 people crossed Armenia today, and we take very seriously our responsibility to focus resources ourselves, to support local governments in finding places to stay and other means of support, and encourage other countries to do the same.
The United States of America will continue to work with you and the Government of Azerbaijan to achieve lasting peace between the countries, considering the profound economic benefits and stability it will provide for the Armenian people. The steps that you have taken regarding the separation of powers in the fight against corruption are investments in the future of Armenia," said Samantha Power.
The head of the US International Development Agency forwarded the letter of US President Joe Biden to Prime Minister Pashinyan.
Next, the interlocutors discussed the humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, the possibilities of providing support to our compatriots in Nagorno-Karabakh, the developments taking place in the region, as well as the further development and expansion of Armenia-US cooperation.