
Azerbaijan has yet to respond to the proposals of the Armenian side. Mher Grigoryan

RA Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan stated in a briefing with journalists that the Azerbaijani side has not yet responded to the new proposals of the Armenian side regarding the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

"According to my information, there is still no response regarding the final offer," said Grigoryan.

It should be noted that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced the other day that the Armenian side conveyed to the Azerbaijani side its new proposals regarding the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Regarding the tripartite working group on blockade issues, Grigoryan said there has yet to be an agreement on the date and place of the next meeting. As for why the process became inactive, he said, "The general background should naturally be favorable. What kind of lifting of the blockade is possible if there is no stability and peace? After all, de-blockade is also a process of peace, and de-blockade will be applicable against the background of peace. And in that sense, naturally, there is a certain interdependence regarding the activation and deactivation of works."