
"It is an impression that when we say "security," we mean only the security of major powers." Mirzoyan

On August 29, within the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum, RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Ararat Mirzoyan participated in the "New security architects. who?" panel discussion. Within the framework of the conference, Minister Mirzoyan also had bilateral meetings and discussions with other partners participating in the forum. Mirzoyan answered the questions raised during the debate.

- You come from a region with a history of conflicts; besides, there are still some "frozen conflicts" in that region. Because Mr. The ambassador mentioned the structures and international organizations, how do you assess the security potential of the existing systems? Do they help effectively, or is there a need for something new?

- First, joining my colleagues, let me thank Slovenia for organizing this important conference despite the challenges and the natural disaster. For us, this is an opportunity to exchange ideas and express solidarity with the people of Slovenia.

As for your question, answering it is not as easy. On the one hand, we have had all the necessary structures for decades. They have accumulated all the essential tools and resources for crisis and conflict management. On the other hand, in real problems and conflicts, these tools and measures could be more effective.

So, to ensure I will successfully present the picture, I will explain the situation with a real example. You all know about Nagorno-Karabakh, located in the South Caucasus. As we speak here, 120,000 people are in a veritable medieval siege due to the blockage of the Lachin Corridor. The purpose of creating this corridor was to ensure the connection between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh and the free movement of people. This is the only way of life, the only way that can connect Nagorno Karabakh with the outside world.

It has been 8 months since Azerbaijan blocked the Lachin Corridor, and since June 15, the corridor has been under complete blockade. Now, neither medicine, fuel, nor anything can be transported to Nagorno-Karabakh through this means. So, once again, to make sure you really understand the situation, about 2,000 pregnant women, 30,000 children, 20,000 adults, and people with illnesses have been left without food, medicine, and fuel, and gas and electricity supplies have been disrupted.

Regarding this situation, there are many reactions voiced by international organizations, individuals, and independent experts. We have the statements of the UN Secretary-General, notable experts, and special rapporteurs; we have reports from such authoritative organizations as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, etc. We have statements made by independent experts like the former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court; we also have the Council of Europe.

Statements by many structures, authoritative organizations, bodies, and individuals prove that Azerbaijan has blocked the Lachin Corridor. As a result, there is a humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh. There is a danger of a humanitarian disaster. So what do we have as a result? Nothing. We have two decisions from the International Court of Justice, the highest legal body. We, the people, united and created the United Nations; within its framework or parallel to it, we made the highest legal instance, the International Court of Justice, and it passed two decisions according to which Azerbaijan should provide passage through the Lachin Corridor, and what happened? Nothing.

So, the problem is different from the structures. We do not have an issue of lack or absence of facilities; something else is needed. There is a lack of political will and respect for the rules, not only by those who break them but by all of us. We must be responsible for respecting the rules because the alternative is chaos. After all, the choice is a situation where force begets right; you know, there can always be the stronger of the strong.

Answering your question, I would like to raise another question. Do we agree with this situation, and what will we do about it?

- As an experienced politician, where do you see the role of today's politics in security issues? Should we change something in the approaches that politicians have today?

- I wouldn't call myself an experienced politician, but...

- I name it.

- Thank you. Dear participants, I would not like to derail this beautiful conversation and discussion, but I think that when we say "security," we mean only the security of the big powers; when we say "honor," we mean the big players. Or at least one has to have the geographic extent of Poland to be part of this conversation or to have expectations. I'm impressed with Your speech, Mr. Secretary General; it is impossible to "restore the house" until there is an understanding that the problem is not only the war in Ukraine. I am not a doctor; as you heard, I am an experienced politician, but diagnosis is the first and perhaps the most crucial step. It is only possible to give a solution with a correct diagnosis. The most direct, honest, and obvious answer to your question because everyone knows the answer is as follows. It is politics based on values as well as people-centeredness. The solution is human-centered politics. That is the answer.