
Today is the day of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of RA

Today is the 33rd anniversary of Armenia's adoption of the Declaration of Independence. On August 23, 1990, the Supreme Council of Soviet Armenia adopted a 12-point Declaration that initiated the legal process of Armenia's independence.

In the document's preface, it was stated that Armenia declared the beginning of the establishment of independent statehood, based on the December 1, 1989 "Hayk. About the Reunification of the SSR and Nagorno Karabakh" Hayk. On the joint decision of the Supreme Council of the SSR and the National Council of Nagorno-Karabakh, it is developing the democratic traditions of the independent Republic of Armenia, established on May 28, 1918.

With the first point of the declaration, the Armenian SSR was renamed the Republic of Armenia, abbreviated as Armenia, which was to have its flag, coat of arms, and anthem.

The second point said that Armenia is a sovereign state.

The adoption of the declaration was preceded by the elections of the Supreme Council, as a result of which the leading party of the independence movement, ANM, and the ruling party, the Communist Party, received almost equal votes. Levon Ter-Petrosyan, a member of the "Karabakh" committee, was elected the Armenian SSR Central Committee chairman in the 4th round of the election of the Central Committee chairman on August 4. On August 13, Vazgen Manukyan was appointed the RA Council of Ministers chairman. For the first time in 68 years, Soviet Armenia had a non-communist government.

About 1 year after the declaration's adoption, on September 21, 1991, an independence referendum was held in Armenia, forming the Republic of Armenia.

Armenia became the only member state of the USSR to gain independence by passing all the legal stages and being separated from the USSR with the full letter of the law and the law.