
The OSCE PA called on Azerbaijan to withdraw its armed forces from the sovereign territory of Armenia

Sargis Khandanyan, head of the Armenian delegation to the OSCE PA, announced that during the summer session, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly accepted the proposals of the members of the Armenian delegation and called on Azerbaijan to withdraw the troops from the sovereign territory of Armenia to open the Lachin Corridor. 

According to him, several important decisions were adopted during the assembly, including approving the annual document, the Vancouver Declaration. It includes political and security issues, economic, environmental, human rights, and humanitarian issues, as well as several other resolutions. The delegation of Armenia presented proposals in resolutions on political and humanitarian issues. The Assembly adopted them in their entirety.

"Particularly, the assembly calls on Azerbaijan to withdraw its armed forces from the sovereign territory of Armenia, to open the Lachin Corridor by the decision of the International Court of Justice, welcomes and urges the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan to continue the negotiations, and also welcomes the mediation of the EU and the USA in the peace negotiations: There are also references to other humanitarian issues, such as the return of captives, preservation of cultural heritage, etc.," Sargis Khandanyan elaborated.

According to him, there is also a paragraph in the resolution of the humanitarian issues of the committee which calls for the immediate opening of the Lachine corridor for the unhindered passage of people and goods, "The Standing Committee of the Assembly decided that the next autumn session will be held in Yerevan in November. This is the first time that Armenia has hosted one of the main sessions of the OSCE PA. The OSCE PA is the largest regional parliamentary platform, with 57 member states, and it is essential for our context, for talking about our reality, and for presenting the developments taking place in the South Caucasus to our partners."