The President of the Constitutional Court, Arman Dilanyan, sent a message on RA Constitution Day.
"For 28 years, July 5 has been celebrated as the Day of the Constitution and State Symbols in the Republic of Armenia.
Warmly congratulating on the occasion of the Constitution and State Symbols Day, I consider it necessary to reiterate that the realization of the significance and proper appreciation of state symbols, which are absolute values for the state, are of vital importance for the present and future of the country and the people.
The unshakable cornerstone of the Mother Law of the Republic of Armenia is the constitutional principle of equality of all before the law. Equal rights and opportunities condition the constitutional values and philosophy, the duty of protection of which is borne by every body of the state administration system in carrying out its daily work.
The Constitution is not only the primary source of activity and powers of public authorities and a system of checks and balances but also a guide by which it is possible to achieve the goals declared by the Constitution. During the three decades of independent statehood, democracy and constitutionalism have become the creed of our people - values that require constant care, civil solidarity and vigilance, taking into account the complex international developments that our republic has gone through and is going through.
The advice of July 5 is more comprehensive. On this day, like the highest bodies of state power, each of us, regardless of our profession, political views, and social position, must reaffirm our unwavering commitment and dedication to sacredly preserve the state symbols and the Constitution, to act within the framework of a certain logic of values, on which our sovereign, democratic, social, legal state rests on.
Once again, I congratulate all of us on the occasion of the Constitution and State Symbols Day, July 5, wishing peace and prosperity to our people," the message reads.