
"I confess that I could not stop the war conveyor;" prime minister

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated in the NA Investigative Committee that the first thing he did after 2018 was to study the Karabakh conflict negotiation process.

"In 2019, I called the negotiation process at the working level a war conveyor because the logic was as follows: give me what I want. Otherwise, I will get the same through war. This was my perception, and my problem was trying to understand what factors can stop the conveyor and how it is possible. And yes, I admit that I could not stop that conveyor," he said.

Speaking about the negotiation process and answering the question, it was clear to him where it was going; Pashinyan responded: "Looking day by day. January 1, 2019, is different; February and March are different. I would like to present my understanding of 2019 to you. There were the Madrid principles of 2007, and we had the famous formula "3 principles, six elements". Based on those two, the Kazan process begins. A document is agreed upon, which the Armenian side is ready to sign with little joy. The Azerbaijani side refuses. What happens after that? Azerbaijan has no problems; on the contrary, it buys weapons with great success from traditional markets and the main mediator of Kazan, the Russian Federation. After that, the escalation process begins. There is a change in the content of the negotiations, to which the Armenian side reacts negatively, after which the war takes place, which de jure does not end."