
Such statements do not contribute to achieving peace and stability in the region. Khandanyan to Erdogan

Sargis Khandanyan, the chairman of the NA Foreign Relations Committee, referred to the statements of the Turkish President to open a Turkish consulate in Shushi.

According to his assessment, the Armenian side is worried about the statements of the Turkish president about opening a consulate in Shushi and considering it as a message addressed to Armenia in particular. According to Khandanyan, such statements do not contribute to achieving regional peace and stability.

He noted that ,on the one hand they declare that it is necessary to establish stability and peace in the region, on the other hand they make statements that do not contribute to that process. "That's why this statement causes concern, we have to watch what will happen," he said.

Khandanyan also stated that the rhetoric of Turkish-Azerbaijani relations as it was in the past and continues now, has not undergone any changes.