
"Azerbaijan has not imposed restrictions, the corridor is under the control of Russian peacekeepers," Representative of Azerbaijan

 During the examination of the issue of Armenia vs. Azerbaijan in The Hague, the representative of Azerbaijan, Elnor Mammadov, announced that Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of blocking the Lachin Corridor and attempting ethnic cleansing. Azerbaijan rejects RA's "groundless" accusations in the strongest possible way. 

"Azerbaijan reaffirms before the UN and the OSCE and still presents to the court that it did not impose any restrictions on the traffic along the Lachin road and could not do so since the Lachin corridor is under the control of Russian peacekeepers according to the tripartite agreement of November 2020. The regime applied on the Lachin road today is the same as the beginning of the protests," he said.

According to Mamedov, Azerbaijan's message to the Armenian people is only reconciliation and hope for a collective, peaceful future.

"Armenia's claims that environmentalists blocked the road are false. Azerbaijan does not have any presence in those areas and is unaware of how the peacekeeping troops organize traffic there. I repeat, the Lachin Corridor is temporarily under the control of Russian peacekeepers. Azerbaijan practically does not exercise any control there and does not organize protests; they are the initiative of political society. "Azerbaijan does not direct people," Mammadov said.

He added that Azerbaijan continues to guarantee transit safety along the corridor. As for the disruption of gas supply, according to Mamedov, Armenia supplies gas to Karabakh. The only involvement of Azerbaijan is that a part of the gas pipeline passes through the territory of Azerbaijan.


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