
When will Baku start the process of ratification of the regulation?

Radar Armenia's interlocutor is Vahram Atanthe Ryan, a former member of the Central Committee of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh National Assembly.

- On September 24, the Constitutional Court will examine the issue of the constitutionality of the regulation of the joint work of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border demarcation commissions. Basically, for now, only Armenia is leading the process. There is no talk of sending it to the CC from the Azerbaijani side. How do you explain the Armenian side's activity and Azerbaijan's passive attitude?

- There is nothing unusual here. Armenia should be proactive. Extraordinary parliamentary elections were held in Azerbaijan, the CEC summarized the results according to the legislation of that country and sent them to the Supreme Court. I think that after the formation of the parliament, Baku will also start the process of ratification of the regulations.

- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan repeated his offer to sign the peace treaty during his visit to Georgia. The Azerbaijani side has stated that it does not agree to sign an agreement with already agreed points. What is our expectation that we keep repeating this proposition?

- Our expectation is a peace agreement, and Yerevan's proactive steps to achieve it are appropriate even in the sense that Azerbaijan is revealed as an aggressive side in the international perception. Of course, it has little effect in practice, but in any case, it is a diplomatic resource that provides Armenia with an additional opportunity.

Hayk Magoyan