
"Peace is conditioned only by the rebalancing of forces." Gantaharyan

Radar Armenia's interlocutor is Shahan Gantaharyan, an international scholar.

- In its statements, Azerbaijan continues to point to the RA constitution as an obstacle to concluding a peace treaty. Could the preamble of the Constitution, which references the Declaration of Independence, be an obstacle to establishing peace with the neighboring country? Why do they point it out?

- Azerbaijan endlessly renews its precondition policy. Baku's tactical games are the motto: new conditions, new concessions. Especially since there is a clause in the peace agreement that the parties will not have territorial claims in the future, this behavior is one of pressure, tension, and getting the most. There will likely be peace only after the rebalancing of forces takes place.

- On the other hand, Foreign Minister Bayramov said that the work on the border demarcation with Armenia continues, and there will be "positive steps" soon. In your opinion, are such steps visible or not?

- Azerbaijan's "positive" does not mean objectively positive. It means applying the Baku agenda or specified rule. This is where the Azerbaijani contradiction lies. They convey a different message to the international community, a different one to their internal audience, and a completely different one to the Armenian side.

- In this context, how would you evaluate the US Deputy Secretary of State's visit to Azerbaijan? O'Brien recently visited Armenia.

- There is an American rush. O'Brien talks about new routes to unblock. There are tonal differences between his statements and the emphasis on Yerevan and Baku. In any case, it is remarkable that in the direction of the new routes of unblocking, he talks about the alternatives of the roads passing through the territories of China and Russia. This is where the US's central interest lies.

Arman Galoyan