
"Events in the region will go under the veil of intercivilizational clashes." Gantaharyan

Radar Armenia's interlocutor is Shahan Gantaharyan, an international scholar.

- During the meeting with the Prime Minister of Georgia, Turkish President Erdogan stated that the peace agreement to be signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia is a historic opportunity. Considering the last meeting of the demarcation commissions and the agreements reached, do you see a possibility of signing a peace agreement?

- The peace agreement is a "historic" opportunity for the Turkish-Azerbaijani alliance. That's why there are one-sided assessments from Ankara and Baku. The circumstances are as follows: Azerbaijan considers the Artsakh problem resolved, has invaded the sovereign territory of Armenia, and declares that the demarcation process is proceeding according to the rules it specified. For this reason, they use the word "historic opportunity," rolling the ball into Armenia's field. Of course, this is a problematic issue to separate because we are talking about the parliamentary majority. Georgia will move to new turbulent zones. The struggle in the region and, in this case, in Georgia, will go under the guise of an inter-civilizational war.

- Lawmakers from the US, EU, and 14 European countries vow to prosecute Georgian government officials and lawmakers involved in the passage of the Foreign Agents Act and the brutal treatment of peaceful protesters. If the law is adopted, will the EU deprive Georgia of its status as a candidate for membership, or will another instrument be used to "punish" Georgia?

- You used the correct wording in the question, which has a nuanced meaning. The US and the EU threaten lawmakers and officials who support the problematic law with sanctions. Sanctions will be directed at individuals, not official Tbilisi. The collective West continues to fight for the Georgian train to remain on the railway leading to Brussels.

- Especially after Putin's inauguration, what is the purpose of his visit to China, and in this context, what developments will there be in the Russia-West and Russia-Ukraine competitions?

- It is clear that the Russian Federation, which is subject to isolation and sanctions, will have to look for new economic and strategic partners. China is the most promising for Moscow in that respect. There are also other BRICS-related circumstances in the target. After the inauguration, the first visit to China has particular economic and political significance. However, there will not be drastic changes. China does not take unilateral steps to maintain its status as a pole. It is an influential force in the global economy and uses a multi-channel economy.

Hayk Magoyan