
"Border liberalization in the West's perception means the removal of Russian border guards." Gantaharyan

Radar Armenia's interlocutor is Shahan Gantaharyan, an international scholar.

- If we summarize the Armenian Prime Minister's visit to Moscow and his meeting with Putin, what conclusions will you come to, considering that the Russian border guards will withdraw from a number of parts of Armenia and from "Zvartnots" airport?

- The directions of the questions are separated in this context. Yerevan stops its funding to the CSTO while presiding over the meeting of the EAEU. On the one hand, the country's prime minister does not participate in the inauguration of the Russian president, but he has a separate meeting with Putin. The general picture of relationships remains the same. The most remarkable thing is the removal of Russian border guards from "Zvartnots" and some marzes. This is directly related to the demarcation process. That is why the West welcomes the first results of border demarcation.

- Peskov announced that, at the Armenian side's request, Russian border guards will remain on the Iranian and Turkish borders. How do you explain this reality, combining the withdrawal of border guards from other sectors?

- Peskov's statement is part of the decisions made in this regard. Peskov is not discussing removing Russian border guards from the airport and regions. Moscow realizes that the peace treaty and opening the common border with Turkey will be followed by the withdrawal of Russian troops in general. But it is not immediate. Moscow has other priorities and wants to avoid getting involved in new problems, especially since Turkey is considered a lifeline for Russia in terms of security and economy.

- Considering these realities, what developments will there be in Armenian-Russian relations?

- The relationship will go smoothly. It was emphasized that Moscow will talk with RA with a request to clarify its place at this milestone - in the CSTO or outside it. The pending situation continues, and one direction does not interfere with the other. This course may change dramatically at the end of the war in Ukraine, which is not yet visible. The West will continue the policy of pushing out the Russian factor in the region, and in this sense, Armenia has appeared as a game board.

- How will the withdrawal of Russian border guards from some regions of Armenia be perceived in the West? Is this another step forward towards the EU?

- The collective West warmly welcomed the agreement on the first part of border liberalization. For the West, the bilateral format of the negotiations and their effectiveness are perceived by the phase-by-step expulsion of the Russian factor. This shows a tendency to continue. EU observers and related missions will be activated, and all these will be perceived and considered in the direction of diversifying Armenia's strategic partnership clause.

Hayk Magoyan