According to Oxfam's latest report, billionaires' wealth will increase by $2 billion in 2024, three times faster than the previous year.
The Eurozone's GDP is 14.5 trillion euros, equivalent to what billionaires worldwide owned in 2024.
According to the report, the number of billionaires reached 2769 last year.
According to the anti-poverty group Oxfam International, the wealth of the richest will increase by 1.93 trillion euros in 2024, three times faster than a year ago. At the same time, the number of people living in poverty (less than €6.64 per day) has hardly changed since 1990.
The Global Inequality Report also predicts that at least five trillionaires will emerge over the next decade, compared to just one trillionaire predicted by the NGO a year ago.
Oxfam's Takers, Not Makers study was released as representatives of the world's political and financial elite prepared for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos.