
Cannabis has been partially legalized in Germany

In Germany, on April 1, a law came into force that partially legalized the use of cannabis. Cannabis will be removed from the list of banned substances in Germany's drug law, and adults will be allowed to keep and grow specific amounts for themselves. Adults will be allowed to have 25 grams of cannabis, marijuana, or hashish in its pure form with them or up to 50 grams at home.

It will be allowed to grow cannabis for personal purposes, up to three bushes in a private vegetable garden. For this, you must first unite with other gardeners in the "Hemp Lovers Club" and get permission from the local authorities to both grow hemp and store the drug. Clubs will be organized on a partnership or cooperative basis, not for profit. In other words, the members of such a union will buy hemp or hashish from them for a maximum of 50 grams per member of the club per month.

It can be smoked in public places, but its use is prohibited within 200 meters from the entrance of schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, youth facilities, and sports facilities. It is not permitted to use marijuana while driving.