
Today is Hrant Matevosyan's 89th birthday

Today is Hrant Matevosyan's 89th birthday.

The author of the name was born on February 12, 1935, in the village of Ahnidzor, Tumanyan region.

He studied at a village school. He received his higher education after Abovyan of Yerevan at the pedagogical institute. Later, he graduated from the higher scriptwriting courses in Moscow. Along with studying, he worked in printing houses and editorial offices. He started his literary activity in the 1960s.

The first collection of short stories, "August", was published in 1967.

In 1996-2000, he chaired the Writers' Union of Armenia. Works have been translated and published in Russian, English, French, German, Lithuanian, Moldovan, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Ukrainian, Czech, Hungarian, Norwegian, Bulgarian and other languages.

Matevosyan died on December 19, 2002.