3 September, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
In the coming days, a hazardous fire situation is expected in the foothills of Shirak, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Vayots Dzor, Ararat Valley, and Syunik valleys.
2 September, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
A hazardous fire situation is expected in the foothills of Shirak, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Vayots Dzor, Ararat Valley, and the valleys of Syunik.
1 September, 9:00
No precipitation is expected on the first day of autumn; the air temperature will rise
Weather without precipitation is expected in Yerevan on September 1-5.
31 August, 9:00
No precipitation is expected on the last day of summer
The air temperature will gradually rise by 2-4 degrees on September 2 and 3.
30 August, 17:45
According to ICAO, the changes in civil aviation meet international standards
This positive assessment is a significant achievement for the Republic of Armenia's aviation sector and contributes to the country's increasing international reputation in civil aviation.