Today is Vardavar holiday
The popular name "Vardavar" comes from the habit of pouring rose water.
No precipitation is expected, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight
The wind is westerly at 2-4 m/s; during a thunderstorm, wind intensification is expected at 18-23 m/s. The air temperature will gradually rise by 3-5 degrees on July 14-15.
It's time to break stereotypes; HRD
The defender also spoke about promoting women's involvement in the decision-making process, emphasizing that women's involvement is essential not only at the middle management level but also at the decision-making level.
Long live France! Long live the Armenian-French friendship; Alain Simonyan
Chairman of the RA National Assembly Alen Simonyan congratulated France on the occasion of the national holiday.
Weather without precipitation is expected
The wind is westerly at 2-4 m/s, during a thunderstorm, wind intensification is expected at a speed of 18-23 m/s. The air temperature will gradually increase by 3-5 degrees.