RA NSS will take effective measures provided by law
The RA National Security Service informs that currently, there are real dangers of organizing and carrying out mass riots in the Republic of Armenia, so we urge you not to pay tribute to possible provocations, show high civil responsibility, refrain from spreading hatred and enmity in the public, calls for violence in public speeches or as from the impermissible practice of uttering expressions perceived as violence, which can create absolute prerequisites for disrupting the country's internal security or committing other criminal acts.
Proceedings were initiated in connection with mass disturbances and calls in front of the government building. IC
In connection with the received notification, criminal proceedings were initiated in the primary investigation department of significant cases of the RA Investigative Committee, according to the features of Article 327, Part 1 and Article 328, Part 3, Clause 1 of the RA Criminal Code.
The USA is not going to stop the Armenian-American military exercises in Armenia. Pentagon
There are no plans to stop the exercises early; they should end tomorrow.
Criminal proceedings against Tigran Urikhanyan, who made calls to seize power
There are other publications of similar content on social platforms, that are currently being investigated.
The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia has repeatedly announced that the Republic of Armenia does not have an army in Nagorno-Karabakh. statement
The RA Ministry of Defense issued a statement announcing. "As before, in the Azerbaijani official reports and mass media, the false claim that there are units of the RA Armed Forces, military equipment, and personnel in Nagorno Karabakh continues to find a place.