10 October, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
The air temperature will not change significantly.
10 October, 0:15
The geomagnetic storm will hit Armenia on October 10 and 11
It will be a G3 "strong" grade but can be strengthened to a G4 "solid" grade.
9 October, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
Weather without precipitation is expected in Yerevan on the afternoon of October 9 and the 10th.
8 October, 9:00
Precipitation is expected, and air temperature will rise
A brief rain and thunderstorm are expected in Yerevan on October 8 and the night of the 9th.
7 October, 23:47
The RA President participated in Sholtz's working lunch
We discussed opportunities and ways to face the challenges of global peace, stability, security, and development.