9 March 2024, 9:00
Precipitation is expected in some regions
The air temperature will rise by 5-6 degrees on March 12 and 13.

8 March 2024, 22:54
A G1 class magnetic storm is expected on March 9
As a rule, the disorders it causes adversely affect the elderly and people with weakened immune systems.

8 March 2024, 14:18
"Overcoming stereotypes is extremely important." HRD congratulated
Human rights defender Anahit Manasyan sent a message on International Women's Day.

8 March 2024, 9:00
Precipitation is expected in some places
In Yerevan, on the afternoon of March 8 and 9, short-term rain is possible in some parts of the city.
7 March 2024, 13:11
My team and I will try to find new ways to develop Armenia's economy. Papoyan
During an interview with journalists, Gevorg Papoyan, the newly appointed Minister of Economy, stated that diversification of the economy is not simply replacing one trading partner with another, but rather having multiple large and small trading partners.