No precipitation is expected, and the air temperature will decrease.
The wind is westerly at 2-4 m/s; on November 10, wind intensification at a speed of 13–16 m/s is expected in some places. The air temperature will decrease by 4-6 degrees at night on November 8 and by 2-4 degrees during the day.
Armenia hosted more than 2 million tourists for the first time
As a result, we had 2 million and 50 thousand tourist visits between January and October 2023.
No precipitation is expected in the coming days
The wind is northwesterly at a speed of 3-5 m/s; on November 7, wind intensification at 13–16 m/s is expected in some places. The air temperature will drop by 4-6 degrees on November 8.
No precipitation is expected in the coming days
The wind is north-westerly at a speed of 2-4 m/s; on November 7, wind intensification at 13-16 m/s is expected in some places.
How many Armenian prisoners are there in Azerbaijan, and how many people are considered missing?
The Investigative Committee, in response to Radar Armenia's inquiry, detailed how many people were considered missing during the first and 2020 Karabakh wars and military escalations.