25 January 2024, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
The wind is north-westerly at 2-5 m/s; on January 25-27, wind intensification at a speed of 14-18 m/s is expected in some places.
24 January 2024, 23:00
Armenia and the UAE will deepen cooperation in the field of solar energy production
Until the end of September 2023, investments from the UAE amounted to about 135,235.1 million AMD, of which the direct gross flows were 105,192.0 million AMD.
24 January 2024, 16:03
Today is the 100th anniversary of the famous Armenian poet Paruyr Sevak
Today is the 100th anniversary of the famous Armenian poet, literary critic, and translator, Paruyr Sevak.
24 January 2024, 11:45
Armenia will have a military attaché in the Czech Republic and Kyrgyzstan
Armenia will have the position of military attaché attached to the embassies in the Czech Republic and Kyrgyzstan. The draft decision is included in the agenda of tomorrow's government session.
24 January 2024, 9:00
Snow is expected throughout the republic
Snow is expected in Yerevan on January 24, the night of the 25th, the late evening of the 26th, and the 27th.