"Cadastre operations should be given a legal assessment." Deputy Prime Minister (VIDEO)
If the cadastre has a valid, legitimate map, we can be guided by it during delimitation.
"We have a border that was most described when the map was made in 1969." Grigoryan (VIDEO)
The regulation is a document and one of the leading legal bases for the demarcation process.
"The next part of the demarcation will be decided by consensus." Deputy Prime Minister (VIDEO)
He did not give details about the movement related to the troops' positions, noting that such topics should be discussed in closed mode. "I can assure you that this risk is in our field of vision. I agree with you; regardless of the legal results, this is one of the most important risks we must assess if we continue this process."
"The issue of maps is the most complicated." Grigoryan (VIDEO)
"In 1976, it was the map of the Armed Forces of the USSR, which has a legal basis for Azerbaijan as well, and a body drew it up with such authority."
What will happen if Azerbaijan does not ratify the regulations of demarcation commissions?
RA Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan commented on what would happen if Azerbaijan did not ratify the regulation of border demarcation commissions or ratify it with reservations.