1 November, 12:28
Scientists have found a way to treat cancer using artificial intelligence
The hardest part of treatment is the discovery phase. Doctors usually have two or more treatment options, but no one can say which method will be effective and which one the body will not accept.
31 October, 20:26
The flood in Spain, which killed about 100 people, with photos (PHOTO SERIES)
In Spain, about 100 people died as a result of the flood.
30 October, 16:11
Iran lifts import ban on iPhones
Iranian citizens will soon be able to purchase iPhones 14, 15, and 16 as authorities lifted the ban on new American Apple smartphone models.
28 October, 20:15
About 5,000 Australians carried out a black-skinned action (PHOTOS)
More than five thousand naked Australians lay down on the Story Bridge in Brisbane, Australia.
28 October, 18:29
Adele and Celine Dion's touching embrace has received a great response from fans (VIDEO)
The famous British singer Adele got excited when she saw Celine Dion sitting in the hall during a concert in Las Vegas.